• 氯化血红素,98%
  • W42005 16009-13-5


产品货号重量货期 优惠价 数量
W42005-25g 25g 准现货 询价
W42005-5g 5g 准现货 询价
W42005-1g 1g 准现货 询价
W42005-100g 100g 准现货 询价
  • 产品信息


溶解性 Soluble in dilute ammonia water, and 0.1-1.0 N NaOH. Insoluble in water.
存贮条件 储存温度2-8℃
熔点 300℃
pK Values


别名 血晶素;卟啉铁;血晶质;亚铁原卟啉;氯高铁血红素;Teichmann‘s crystals; Ferriheme chloride; Chloroferriprotoporphyrin; Chloro(protoporphyrinato)iron(III);Chlorohemin Chloroprotoporphyrin IX iron(III);Ferriprotoporphyrin IX chloride;Hemin(chloride);
产品介绍 Hemin chloride, a heme oxygenase 1 inducer, is a porphyrin complex that is derived from erythrocytes. At a concentration of 20 mM Hemin chloride demonstrated the significance of heme in myotube maturation by increasing size, number, cross-striations, and contraction frequency and strength of myotubes. The compound has been observed to induce cGMP formation through induction of guanylate cyclase. Hemin chloride has been noted to stimulate calcium-dependent K+ channels and modulate fluid transport and Na+ in the loop of henle in rat studies. Hemin has also been documented to give rise to active chloride secretion in Caco-2 cells. In cadmium injured rat testes, hemin chloride demonstrated anti-apoptotic, antiinflamatory and antioxidant properties. Through reactive oxygen species of ERK-1/2-Elk-1 and NF-κB, hemin chloride has been shown to upregulate Egr-1 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells. It has also been used in solution to prepare agar medium for the cultivation of distinct bacteria.
用途 营养增补剂(铁质强化剂),是从猪血中提取的,现代医学公认的防治缺铁性贫血、吸收率高、效果好的往下生物铁源,无铁腥味,不刺激肠胃。是生产天然补铁食品、药品、保健品、化妆品的首选原料。

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