• 氨 溶液 7.0M 甲醇溶液
  • GA140758 7664-41-7

    Ammonia solution

产品货号容量货期 优惠价 数量
GA140758-100ml 100ml 准现货 询价
GA140758-500ml 500ml 准现货 询价
  • 产品信息

敏感性 吸湿性
密度 0.7790
存贮条件 储存温度2-8℃
别名 ;
应用 Ammonia solution (0.5 M in dioxane) may be used in the synthesis of 8-nitroquinolin-2-amine and silphenylene-containing polymers.(A140739)
Ammonia solution (in 2M ethanol) was used as an ammonia source to study the role of ammonia in causing metabolic changes in bacteria.(A140745)
Ammonia solution (7N methanolic ammonia) may be used in the preparation of trioxolanes.It may also be used in the preparation of hydrogen halide salts (HX) of primary amines under microwave irradiation.(A140758)

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