• 四氮唑溶液 用于DNA合成, 1 μm 滤膜过滤, ~0.45 M 乙腈溶液
  • GA131637 288-94-8

    Tetrazole solution

产品货号容量货期 优惠价 数量
GA131637 -100ml 100ml 准现货 询价
GA131637 -500ml 500ml 准现货 询价
  • 产品信息


敏感性 对热和湿度敏感
密度 0.7980
熔点 ≥155°C
沸点 84°C
存贮条件 室温保存

产品介绍 Tetrazole solution has been used as a catalyst for the preparation of phosphoramidite synthesis from stable dialkylaminophosphines as well as in the synthesis of phenothiazines.
别名 1H-四氮唑;1H-四唑;1H-Tetrazole;2H-tetrazole

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