• 氯化钡,二水,AR,99.5%
  • A12005 10326-27-9

    Barium chloride dihydrate

产品货号重量货期 优惠价 数量
A12005-500g 500g 准现货 询价
  • 产品信息


溶解性 易溶于水,溶于甲醇,不溶于乙醇、乙酸乙酯和丙酮.
敏感性 对湿度敏感
存贮条件 密封保存。
折光率 1.635
熔点 963°C
密度 3.8600
pK Values


别名 二水合氯化钡; 氯化钡二水合物;
产品介绍 味苦咸。微有吸湿性。在100℃时即失去结晶水,但放置在湿空气中又重新吸收二分子结晶水。易溶于水,溶于甲醇,不溶于乙醇、乙酸乙酯和丙酮。中等毒,半数致死量(大鼠,经口)118mg/kg(以无水物计)。
用途 测定硫酸盐和硒酸盐等,色谱分析,点滴分析测定铂,软水剂。织物染色。
生化机理 Barium chloride produces excitatory effects on neuronal signaling through mobilization of intracellular Ca2+. This has been correlated to causing increases in potential difference and short-circuit currents in stripped sheets of rat intestine with subsequent effects on intestinal secretion. The toxic effects of Ba2+ are mediated through neuronal excitation, and sub-toxic administration of Barium Chloride produces arrhythmias in animals. Barium Chloride-promoted arrhythmias have been employed in studies investigating antiarrhythmic compounds. Barium Chloride demonstrates selective inhibition of MMP-2 (matrix metalloproteinase 2), suggested to proceed through displacement by Ba2+ of a Ca2+ ion at the catalytic center of MMP-2.

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