• 硫代乙醇酸钠 ,97%
  • G61641 367-51-1

    Sodium thioglycolate

产品货号重量货期 优惠价 数量
G61641-100g 100g 准现货 询价
G61641-2.5kg 2.5kg 准现货 询价
G61641-25g 25g 准现货 询价
G61641-500g 500g 准现货 询价
  • 产品信息


溶解性 Soluble in water (200 mg/ml) with heat as needed, yielding a clear to slightly hazy, faint pink to faint purple solution, methanol, and ethanol.
敏感性 对空气和湿度敏感 热敏感
存贮条件 储存温度-20℃,充氩保存
熔点 >300°C
密度 1.3110
pK Values


别名 巯基乙酸钠; 巯乙酸钠盐; 巯基乙酸钠盐;Mercaptoacetic Acid Sodium Salt;Sodium Mercaptoacetate;Thioglycolic Acid Sodium Salt
产品介绍 微有特殊气味,刚制成时微有气味。吸湿性。暴露于空气中或遇铁变色,如颜色变黄变黑则已变质,不可使用。易溶于水,水中溶解度:1000 g/l(20°C),微溶于醇。半数致死量(大鼠、腹腔)148mg/kg.有刺激性。
用途 A disulfide reducing agent
生化机理 Sodium thioglycolate is a commonly used reagent for bacteriological research to maintain reducing conditions in media. Thioglycolate can also protect enzymes against inactivation by maintaining protein thiol groups in the reduced state. Thioglycolate medium is frequently used in inflammation research to elicit a neutrophil and macrophage response in vivo.

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