• 碘酸 ACS, ≥99.5%
  • GA104595 7782-68-5

    Iodic acid

产品货号规格货期 优惠价 数量
GA104595-100g 100g 准现货 询价
GA104595-500g 500g 准现货 询价
  • 产品信息

敏感性 对光敏感
密度 4.6200
存贮条件 密封明凉处保存。
产品介绍 Iodic acid is used as a strong acid in analytical chemistry. It may be used to standardize solutions of both weak and strong bases, with methyl red or methyl orange as the indicator.
别名 ;Monoiodic acid
应用 A strong acid in analytical chemistry.

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