• 溴化钾,AR,99.0%
  • G64682 7758-02-3

    Potassium bromide AR,99.0%

产品货号重量货期 优惠价 数量
G64682_1 500g 准现货 询价
  • 产品信息


溶解性 Soluble in water (119 mg/ml at 20 °C), alcohol (slightly), glycerol (slightly), and ether (slightly).
敏感性 对光线及湿度敏感
存贮条件 充氩保存
沸点 1435°C
熔点 730°C
密度 2.7500
pK Values


别名 钾溴;灰钾;bromide salt of potassium
产品介绍 溶于水和甘油,微溶于乙醇和乙醚,稍有吸湿性。有强烈咸味,微苦。见光色变黄。水溶液呈中性。有刺激性。溶解度:: 650 g/L 水(20°C), 1020 g/L水(100°C),1.42 g/L 乙醇 (25°C) ,217 g/L 甘油。
用途 点滴分析测定铜及银。极谱分析铟、镉和砷。显影剂。农药分析。99.95%和99.99%级别用于分子生物学中去除外围膜蛋白。FT-IR级用于FT-IR 光谱仪
生化机理 Potassium bromide is a chemical salt that has been used in a variety of applications such as spectroscopy, infrared transmission, as a laboratory reagent, and for the removal of peripheral membrane proteins. In rat serum Potassium bromide was used in a density gradient to separate lipoproteins. The compound has also been used to fracture the dermal-epidermal junction.

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