• 二苯基硼酸-2-氨基乙酯 98%
  • GA106408 524-95-8

    2-Aminoethyl diphenylborinate

产品货号规格货期 优惠价 数量
GA106408-1g 1g 准现货 询价
GA106408-25g 25g 准现货 询价
GA106408-5g 5g 准现货 询价
  • 产品信息

敏感性 光及湿度敏感
密度 1.0400
熔点 190-194°C
存贮条件 储存温度-20°C;充氩保存
产品介绍 2-APB is a transient receptor potential (TRP) activator. The compound also directly blocks the mitochondrial permeability transition pore, sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase pumps, and native store operated channels, as well as other ion channels. 2-APB does not activate the subfamily transient receptor potential vanilloids (TRPVs) TRPV4, TRPV5, and TRPV6, but can activate VR1 (TRPV1), VRL-1 (TRPV2), and TRPV3. 2-ABP was first used as an inhibitor of IP3R (inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor) with the ability to permeate the membrane. 2-ABP can induce Ca2+entry without activating exocytosis. In pancreatic acinar cells 2-ABP can inhibit calcium mobilization. 2-APB is an activator of Orai3.
别名 二苯基硼酸2-氨基乙酯;2-氨基乙基二苯硼酸酯;2-氨基乙基联苯基硼酸酯;2-氨基乙酯二苯基硼酸;2-氨基乙基联苯基硼酸酯;二苯基硼酸;(2-Aminoethoxy)diphenylborane;2-Aminoethyl diphenyl borate;Diphenylboric acid 2-aminoethyl ester;2-APB
应用 用于黄酮类化合物的密度测定。膜渗透调控因子,调控细胞间IP3诱导的钙离子释放。

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